Superhero 2D Physics Game Needs Programmer and 2D Artist


  • Posts: 10
Hello, Stencylers!

I have written up the initial design for a 2D physics-focused puzzle game that incorporates rag doll functionality. I would like to form a collaborative trio in order to develop the game, and then release it for future profit.

I have written the game functionality, game character descriptions, and game level story arcs. The concept allows for extensive monetization.

I need an experienced PROGRAMMER who can implement the GUI, animations, and game play and enable me as the game designer to set up the "puzzles" in each game level. Programmer must be experienced at game coding in general, and proficient at physics coding in Stencyl.

I also need a 2D ARTIST who can create the GUI art, as well as, key frame poses for the superheroes' actions and reactions in the game. The style I am looking for ranges from cartoony / stylized to traditional comic book superhero style.

My background is as a professional game content designer and writer. I have also worked as a 3D modeler and animator for the past sixteen years. You can visit my web site to see my work.

I am 1000% serious about this project and will only divulge specifics about the game to equally serious developers who first sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement. I will be asking the selected individuals to commit to completing a prototype of the game (which will be comprised of three fully functional game levels).

My intention is to present the prototype on Kickstarter in order to raise enough funds to pay for the development of the release version of the game (which will be 15 to 20 game levels). The trio will divide the raised funds accordingly to meet this goal. Division of revenue generated after release of the game will also be contractually agreed upon.