This is for playable Stencyl projects only


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  • Posts: 17524
This forum is intended for the announcements of Stencyl-made games only.

If you're seeking actual feedback for a non-Stencyl project, please post in Chit-Chat. It goes without saying that if you do this, you have some kind of prior tie to Stencyl and its community. In other words, don't be the guy who advertises his game out of nowhere.

Please post here only if your game is at least up in demo / playable form, otherwise it goes into the Game Journals forum.

If it's just a non-playable concept (even a fleshed out one), start it out in the Game Journals forum instead.


« Last Edit: December 25, 2014, 12:46:49 am by Jon »


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  • Posts: 17524
Just want to re-emphasize that this forum is for Stencyl-made projects only. Every one in a while, we get iOS / Android apps not made in Stencyl and usually by members making their first post, looking to advertise their stuff. It's pretty obvious because they aren't customers (no badge) but published such apps.

Mods will trash these topics on sight. Thanks for your understanding.