Actor Size/Resolution Question


  • Posts: 2
Sorry if this has been adressed but I'm looking for a definitive answer, if i want my actor to appear as a small 8*8 guy and use him in a universal app, how big should the actual graphic be. I'm having trouble wrapping my head around the whole universal app thing and the challenges it brings. Does stencyl do it automatically?


  • Posts: 1115
16x16 and imported @2x, Stencyl resizes.
Sounds small, though....8x8


  • Posts: 2
Ok thank you. Turns out I am making him bigger haha i realized it was a bit to small


  • Posts: 1
I think I found the answer...
Its just you have to press import frames than drag them.
Then you'll need to set Scale x1 and resize method to no smoothing..


  • Posts: 1
16x16 and imported @2x, Stencyl resizes.
Sounds small, though....8x8
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