I appreciate everyone's kind words!
As it turns out, the most difficult part of making a maze/puzzle-based platformer is (surprise!) making entertaining, interesting, and challenging levels! It's easy to fall into the cycle of making levels like they're intended for linear, precision, or twitch platformers. There's nothing wrong with those types of platformers, but I need to keep focused on the core concept for MY game which is education through exploration.
By "education through exploration" I mean not just the game's paper-thin plot of a monster school. I'm refering to using the player's exploration and interaction with the level to educate them toward a solution.
So, i'm going to be spending some time working on level designs WITHOUT using StencylWorks. I've wasted enough time doing things in an ad-hoc manner - it's time to plan this out!
That said, I do already have more than a half-dozen levels ready, so there'll definitely be a demo soon for everyone.
and TLDR; Thanks. Still working. Demo soon.