I would like to be able to spawn an actor on a specific layer rather than just Front, Middle, and Back.
Some sort of "insert Design Mode block" functionality just to make it easier to visualize what the person is saying "set actor value <text> for [Self] to <anything>" you could just inset an image of the block. Granted, that kind of interface might take a lot of work but that just makes it all the more satisfying when it's available, right? =D
i'd like the ability to use actor type and actor group attributes in this block:it kind of sucks that i can't really be very specific with the actors that i'm checking for, have to work only with the ones that have either been recently created or are have just been collided with. not that those don't work in plenty of situations, it's just that sometimes i haven't collided with things yet, or they've been there for sometime and i still need to check for them.