Mini-Suggestion Thread


  • *
  • Posts: 2181
Scene Designer : The grid, some type of option to print numbers on the side ( vertical and horizontal ) . The boxes help figure out where to place actor ( from events ) with proper coordinates to align screen and actors. But counting the boxes with the mouse is getting ridiculous  :) .


  • Posts: 251
How much money would I have to throw at you guys for a lifetime liscence? I wish I could buy stencyl outright and forgo the subscription thing. What would it cost? $600 or so I dunno :/


  • *
  • Posts: 2181
How much money would I have to throw at you guys for a lifetime liscence? I wish I could buy stencyl outright and forgo the subscription thing. What would it cost? $600 or so I dunno :/
It would be nice, but I don't think its going to happen.


  • Posts: 251
Yeah I figured but still. Really sucks we can't buy outright.