If it's on the scene, I would add (in the same behaviour) a "When Drawing" event.. something like the attachment;
Change the font, colour, and x,y locations to your liking. (You could do more fancy stuff like draw a border or whatever. (make sure you use FONT colour - and not just 'change the colour to...' - that one only applies to the fill colour for circles and rectangles.)
If you've applied it to the actor, you could do the same thing (though you'll want to add 'switch to screen space' before you do that) However it will be drawn on the same 'layer' and if you have anything on the layer above the actor it will 'cover' the drawing.
In that case I would create a scene behaviour with an attribute that links to the player and use the block in Behaviour -> Attributed called "for [actor] get [counter] from behaviour ["behaviour name"]" be sure to use the name of the behaviour you've chosen at the end there.
Also, if you change the attached image where it says "draw text [counter]" to "draw text [10 - [counter] ]" you will get how many moves are left before you lose.
And one last thing - if you create another attribute (NOT hidden) as 'total moves', and change all instances of '10' to use that attribute instead, you can then set the number of allowed moves in each scene right on the 'behaviour' tab in the scene properties, rather than having all scenes allow 10 moves.
EDITED to turn on notifications, because I forgot to when I posted.