Okay. Try changing 0.1 seconds to 0.02 seconds, but also divide the amount you move the actor by by 5. This should smooth it out a little instead of being so choppy.
See what happens if you turn the boolean to FALSE after every time this happens (in the 'every x seconds' event). I'm wondering if it 're-collides' and might produce the effect you are looking for. (if it stops working when you do that, then remove it

For #2
1 - Go to 'settings' and create a 'Game Attribute' that is a number. 'Highest Level beaten'. (Game attributes save when you use the same-game features, so this is why you want one of these instead of a Scene Attribute)
2a - when you beat a level, use the 'Set Highest Level beaten to []' block in Attributes -> Game
2b - You want to use the block inside 'Numbers and Text -> Math'. There's one there that says 'smaller of [] and []' drag that out.
2c - Click on 'smaller' and a pop up will appear. Change it to 'larger'
2d - put 'Highest Level beaten' on one side and the current level on the other (you never want the player to lose progress if they play an old level, this makes sure they always get credit for the latest level

3 - create an actor. For now, make this a simple square with different colours. You can make it all fancy later. You want the following animations;
Normal - what the button looks like when it's on the screen (make this yellow)
Pressed - what the button looks like when it's pressed (make this green)
Hover - what the button looks like when it's pressed (make this blue)
Disabled - what the button looks like when you have not yet beaten the right level (make this grey)
4) Go to the 'Behaviours' button for the actor. Click 'Add a Behaviour'. Under 'FROM YOUR LIBRARY' select Game. You should see one called 'Switch Scene Button' - you want that add it.
5) Click 'Edit Behaviour on the top Right.
6) You want to add 3 attributes to this behaviour;
An Animation Type attribute named 'Disabled Animation' NOT HIDDEN
A 'Number' animation called 'Required Level' NOT HIDDEN
A 'Boolean' attribute called 'Disabled' HIDDEN
7) Go back to your actor behaviours and set the 4 animations to the right ones (if you only see 3 you did something wrong - maybe you hid the 'Disabled Animation' attribute or forgot to make it an animation). Don't change anything else here - just the animations (for now)
... I think I have to do pictures for the next few steps - trying explain it and draw it out would look a little confusing. That should keep you busy for a bit anyways.
EDIT just followed my own instructions because I wanted to test it, so here's what the behaviour on the button you made should look like when you are done.