(Spriter)a better way to create sprites/actors in stencyl 3.0 (Spriter)


  • Posts: 12
spriter is a great and exciting animation tool that makes it easy to create sprites for your game  and we would love if stencyl could support its format or even better integrate it in stencyl here is its homepage  http://www.brashmonkey.com/ or its kickstarter http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/539087245/spriter?ref=card so please sencyl team make this happen it would be epic :P


  • *
  • Posts: 371
Yea, Spriter is awesome  8)


  • *
  • Posts: 2607
There have been several topics on this subject already, and Joe has stated that he is in contact with the Spriter team.


  • Posts: 12
There have been several topics on this subject already, and Joe has stated that he is in contact with the Spriter team.
oh thank you cloeislazy for the reply can i the links to that post
and by the way i love your behavior explode actor

Future Freak

  • Posts: 412
There have been several topics on this subject already, and Joe has stated that he is in contact with the Spriter team.
oh thank you cloeislazy for the reply can i the links to that post
and by the way i love your behavior explode actor

Enter the word Spriter in the search box at the top of the page, press return and it's probably the 3rd link down you're after.


  • Posts: 12
thank you future freak