How many impressions does it count towards ?
The iAds banner does change every 30 seconds, counting that as 1 impression.
Really I am thinking as Stencylers we should use this revenue stream to encourage each others if we can, for example I download your game and play it every day.. how much does that get you... and then if we all do it we can at least have some 'easy' revenue from our game just be each helping others out..
What do you think ?
I think that "frauding" the ad-system (generating ghost-clicks/impressions) in any slightest way will get you banned in the long run.
However, a way developers can cooperate could be via marketing, i.e. presenting each others game on their blogs.
Over $4 eCPM for ads...I'm sure I'm not the only Flash developer thinking WTF. Mochi eCPM can sometimes be under $0.20, so 20 times less than $4.
The lowest eCPM I ever had with Mochi was $0.04

Nearly all impressions/clicks were from China.