To begin a game out of nothing (without kit), I think that you have to make the same logic process while using Stencyl blocks or coding (in an editor with a classic language like C, C++, C#, Objective-C, Java, Python, Ruby, SmallTalk...). BUT you don't need to know the name of the instructions, the name of the variables, each structures for conditions and iterations. The completion in the editors (SublimeText2, VisualStudio, MonoDevelop, WebStorm, WingIDE...) try to help the same way. The design mode is more visual that a text file but you can make the same mistake : i.e. increment a variable in the wrong structure. For me using Stencyl, it's like to build with KAPLA pieces without having to cut the trees, make the wood board and cut all parts. You don't need the axe and the saw but you have to know how to put objets in balance.