I attempt making chiptune music


  • Posts: 1046
I've never actually composed any music tracks before. This is the first time I've built it ALL FROM SCRATCHHH

(it's a raw wav so good luck, dialup users)

This is actually my second attempted track but seeing as my first was an 8 second test it doesn't really count. I am using PXtone because cave story music is fantastic.


  • Posts: 143
Gives me nostalgia of Mega Man.
Tatertom approves this message.


  • Posts: 1243
Nice one. Rhys, could you try Famitracker? It also good chiptune maker.

There are no impossible things. There is only lack of skills.
Don't click this if your computer has less than 641 kilobytes of RAM.
Stencyl stencyling stencylish stencylers :D


  • Posts: 1046
Nice one. Rhys, could you try Famitracker? It also good chiptune maker.
It's pretty confusing.


  • Posts: 1046
The theme of this one is "too much going on at once"

Pixel Pusher

  • Posts: 152
Not bad Mr "artist". In many ways, it's so true. Like the tunes. Slap-happy if you will :)


  • Posts: 1243
Rhys, I think that "too much at once" music would fit to Super Noni game, but ends a bit too abrupt. How about you?

There are no impossible things. There is only lack of skills.
Don't click this if your computer has less than 641 kilobytes of RAM.
Stencyl stencyling stencylish stencylers :D


  • Posts: 83
Attempt: SUCCESS.


  • Posts: 17
What are you using to make them? I use SunVox.