Dead Sprint


  • Posts: 177
I resurrected this old project. I spiced up the graphics and added polished the engine a bit.


  • Posts: 82
It's looking nice, plays really well. One criticism is that occasionally I'd not see spikes coming because they camouflage pretty well against the clouds. Maybe that's part of the challenge though, idk...

Also, it might be nice if the big green tutorial text appeared slightly before the player appeared, or if there was a long straight section at the start of the level to give you a chance to read. I failed the first level a couple times since I was reading then fumbling to find the Z key.


  • Posts: 177
I'm going to make the spikes darker and maybe give them a yellow tint so they stand out.

I didn't bother to do that with the tutorial because I figured it didn't matter if the player died a couple of times. In the end, it doesn't matter.


  • Posts: 1243
In the end, it doesn't matter.

Someone listen to Linkin Park too much ;). Nice game tough. I'd like level design, tough you should make some background tiles to avoid "islands in the sky" effect. Also character is moving too fast and sometimes avoiding obstacles is only matter of luck.

There are no impossible things. There is only lack of skills.
Don't click this if your computer has less than 641 kilobytes of RAM.
Stencyl stencyling stencylish stencylers :D


  • *
  • Posts: 17524
I would also recommending tweaking the first stage to be gentler - decrease the speed for just this stage and put a background behind the text to make it stand out more. An unaware player may get frustrated at the "pace" even though they may get it after a few deaths, if they stick around. Games lose most players within the first 10-30 seconds of play. We're an accommodating audience, but the general populace, as you've seen is much less so.


  • Posts: 177
OK, I'll work on that.

When you judge for the best game made in 3 months thing, you'll look at the Stencyl page, right? Because that will be the most recently updated version.


  • Posts: 177
I posted this on Newgrounds:

It's been getting some pretty decent reviews :D I'm happy