All right people! Lend me your ears (or audio speakers... or eyes actually, since this a forum post; you get the point). I have some gameplay ideas that I have come up with, and I want to share! I am trying to make this game great, but I would like some feedback on what you think.
First though, let's give you an update:
- Started Level 2 of World I: Insect Intersection
- Added some new enemy types for the second level
- Started work on another one of the ninja powers (Acid Shuriken; see below)
It is coming along! And with about four weeks to meet my self-set demo deadline, a lot still left to do! I have been quite busy as of late though, so hopefully I can still sit down and keep it going. Hang in there!
So let's stir up some more excitement. In a previous post, I shared three of the seven powers that were planned for the game. I now present to you the remaining four that are planned:
- Safety Shield (Yellow): Hold down to set a big, industrial shield in front of you, eating enemy bullets and turning away moving enemies. Nice defense, but make sure nothing comes from the rear or over the top of it.
- Acid Shuriken (Green): Use C to throw this into an enemy and watch corrosion slowly eat away their health. Or throw it into a wall to make a temporary platform. Good versatility!
- Jet Armlets (Cyan): With these equipped, you can jump higher! Also, if you press C and Down in the air (not on the ground; that will activate stealth, remember!), you will perform a downward dive, smashing into the ground and sending out a shockwave. You are still vulnerable mid-dive though, so don't go trying to punch any aerial foes out of the air, OK?
- Bubble Sphere (Blue): Press C to release a rising bubble that again damages foes. Then hold C to keep the bubble around you that slow descents and allows floating through the air (a "parachute" effect, if you will).
More or less, this is what I plan to go with for this set of power-ups.
Now, I come to something I have been thinking about: the health system. The initial plan was to implement it like so:
- Collect hearts (up to 4)
- Take a hit, lose all hearts. Take a hit without a heart, and you are defeated.
- Get up to four hearts, earn an extra life.
- Collect a fifth heart, recycle back to beginning (you now have 1 heart again; still have protection and you are moving towards another extra life.
I wanted a game that was a little more hardcode on health. As a ninja, you are supposed to thrive on evasion, so having a massive health gauge could take away from that. Thus the first-draft system you see. But in my testing, I have found this to feel somewhat silly. Collecting the second and third hearts feels redundant, and I almost feel like one is better off collecting hearts by ones as they lose damage. The reward of an extra life seems eclipsed by the "uselessness" of having a second and third heart. So after some thinking about how to better mesh it with the game flow, here is a newer version:
- Collect a maximum of 4 hearts. You still lose them all upon taking a hit.
- If you so choose, charge up your regular attack or current power (maybe) and unleash a charge attack at the expense of 1 of your hearts.
- Get up to four, and you can unleash them all in one, incredible super charge attack! (Or something cool. I haven't quite decided yet. Temporary invulnerability maybe? One-hit destruction for all weapons? Hmm...)
This system maintains the "hardcore" system of health whilst rewarding the player for proper health management and actually getting those second and third hearts. Again, the idea is to AVOID damage, and proper use of your heart stockpile can either afford you a single hit OR give you another option of escape in tight situations. If executed properly, I think it could work. But also, am I getting too complicated at this point? Everything would still be done through the arrows, Z, X, and C, but still. I have some control schemes in mind that I think could handle the charging well, though.
PLEASE give feedback!