ask about sponsor


  • Posts: 345
what is the ideal price for a game which has the potential to reach 1 million of views? please state you ever had your game sponsored or not. anyone who is willing to share please do :)
need help with behavior? game design? graphic design? just contact me
skype : christian.atin
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  • Posts: 9473
Good games can get over $1000 for a primary sponsorship, but most of the sponsored games get less than that.  I've had two games sponsored but for less than $200 each.


  • Posts: 345
i am sorry rob i dont think its an answer to my question. i created this thread to get some info about sponsoring so i am able to compare the price. "good games" cant give me a hint which kind of game which worth $1k. except if you give an example of that "good games" you mentioned. :)
need help with behavior? game design? graphic design? just contact me
skype : christian.atin
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  • Posts: 9473
If by "kind of game" you mean "genre", it really doesn't matter much.  There really is no way of giving you an accurate estimate of what a sponsor will pay for your game.  Put it up on FGL, and take whatever you can get, given it's above your minimum acceptable price.


  • Posts: 345
i didnt mean genre.what i really mean is i need to see the game you were refering as good so i can see the game and make it as comparison to mine. yes there is no way to have an accurate price for sponsoring but at least i just want to gather some info to make the comparison in order to avoid setting too high minimum price or too low.
need help with behavior? game design? graphic design? just contact me
skype : christian.atin
email :


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  • Posts: 9473
You can check the most recent game sales on FGL here:  You may also want to browse through the popular games on Kongregate or Newgrounds.


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  • Posts: 2607
Check out these pages:

In particular, the "success stories" page games probably got very good sponsorships (for those who sought them). If you wanted the most accurate information, you could try contacting some of those developers directly.


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  • Posts: 333
"Crazy Steam Bros" it´s reaching the 1,5 million plays mark. The game has been sponsored two times, and with the revenues from ads, the total income are about 1200-1300 $. I think that it´s not bad, assuming that it´s my first game and nobody knows me before at FGL.


  • Posts: 852
@Rengag: i wish i could say, i know that feel bro... maybe soon  ;)


  • Posts: 345
yeah its nice for a first game. i just found your game on kongregate and dont see any sponsor logo on the game or did i miss one?
need help with behavior? game design? graphic design? just contact me
skype : christian.atin
email :


  • Posts: 139
"Crazy Steam Bros" it´s reaching the 1,5 million plays mark. The game has been sponsored two times, and with the revenues from ads, the total income are about 1200-1300 $. I think that it´s not bad, assuming that it´s my first game and nobody knows me before at FGL.

1.5 millions on which website? and do you only get ad revenues from kongregate?


  • Posts: 345
need help with behavior? game design? graphic design? just contact me
skype : christian.atin
email :