Cutscene pack (now available)


  • Posts: 1243
OK, uploading now. For reproduction, just run dialog test scene.
//edit: Name is Adventure Cavern

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Stencyl stencyling stencylish stencylers :D


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  • Posts: 1259
For some reason it's not liking the image you're using for the dialog box.  I tried replacing it with the default one from the pack and it doesn't give me an error after that.  I'm not exactly sure what's going on here.


  • Posts: 1243
One other thing I've noticed about DP itself is that I can't manually add linebreak using \n.

(I'd post it earlier, but my internet went out)

There are no impossible things. There is only lack of skills.
Don't click this if your computer has less than 641 kilobytes of RAM.
Stencyl stencyling stencylish stencylers :D


  • Posts: 1243
Did you have time to investigate it further, Greg? I really want to use this image for dialog in my game and really don't know why SW or Flash don't let me.

I can use black background instead of this (it would even fit game's style), but this is failsafe if it wouldn't be fixed.

There are no impossible things. There is only lack of skills.
Don't click this if your computer has less than 641 kilobytes of RAM.
Stencyl stencyling stencylish stencylers :D


  • Posts: 379
One question, Greg. Will there be an option so that Dialogue can be independent from zooming? This might not be possible, but would it ever be feasible to somehow have it so Text/dialogue is sort of a layer "above" what is being zoomed in so that it does not get affected? Almost like it is anchored onto the screen from all camera effects.


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  • Posts: 1259
I'm not sure how feasible that will be at this time. Zooming basically takes a screenshot of the current scene and then zooms in on that.  It's probably possible to work around this for the dialog, but I might not be able to get to that for a while.


  • Posts: 35
Hey guys.

Sorry if I'm just being an idiot but is the resource pack for this actually available or is it still waiting to be realised.

Just asking cause I would really like to put cutscenes in a game I'm working on.

Currently working on my upcoming stencyl game SUPER Bear Hunter: Apocalypse. You can play what I've got so far here


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  • Posts: 1259

This is available on Forge -- under the Resource Pack category it's called "Cutscenes".  Should be one of the featured packs.  There's also a Game called "Cutscene Example Game"  that shows how to use the pack.


  • Posts: 35
For some reason all I can find on Forge is 'Guide to cutscenes' and 'Cutscene Example Game'.

And also when I try using the Guide I read the first page and then click next page and the button disappears and does nothing. I'm running Stencyl on Mac if that helps.

Currently working on my upcoming stencyl game SUPER Bear Hunter: Apocalypse. You can play what I've got so far here


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  • Posts: 1259
Hmm not sure what's going on there. When I open Forge and type in "Cutscenes" into the search box, the resource pack "Cutscenes" comes up.  It's the one labeled "Featured".

Are you using the search, or just browsing resource packs?  Even through browsing, as long as you click on Resource Packs (then click See All), it should be one of the featured ones.


  • Posts: 4
Weird, I can't seem to find it either.

Are dynamic text possible in the dialogues?
For example you input your hero's name and someone says "hello [heroname]", it'll say something like "hello Greg."

If not, has there been a behavior that allows this?


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  • Posts: 1259
I have no idea how this happened, but somehow it was marked as Private.  Can you guys let me know if you can see it now?

As for the dynamic text - it's not possible at the moment.  I'd have to think about how I'd present that to the user to allow you to create placeholders. Any ideas?


  • Posts: 4
Yep, I can see it fine now.

A shame, I really needed dynamic text like that.

Let's see... that'd require an attribute for the text & an attribute for the dynamic text, but how would you go about linking them seamlessly into one message?

EDIT: Wait a sec... what about the Text + Text block?
So it's [Text 1] + [Dynamic Text] + [Text 1], a [Hello] + [Greg] + [, nice to meet you.] would become Hello Greg, nice to meet you. I'll go test it out

EDIT2: It works! Well at least I have a fix for myself.

« Last Edit: June 21, 2011, 09:41:29 am by thebangzats »


  • Posts: 35
Yay! I've got it now.

Cheers Greg.
Currently working on my upcoming stencyl game SUPER Bear Hunter: Apocalypse. You can play what I've got so far here


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  • Posts: 1259
I updated the Cutscene resource pack, and sample game to be compatible with some upcoming SW changes in regards to playing sounds via sound channels.  So if you find that there are some errors after upgrading to the next build (or pre-upgrading by downloading the files right now), go ahead and download the resource pack again.