Port to BlackBerry


  • Posts: 188
While i was waiting for the Windows 8 SDK to download i was looking at Porting the Android APK app to BB as it looked simple. Seems like they just wrap the APK and sign it.

However it failed some compatibality check. Attaching a Screen Shot.

I will try it via HTML next as it seems doable.


  • Posts: 20
Oh this would be nice if we could get this going. Blackberry is giving away $10k to developers once u cross $1k in sales.


  • Posts: 304
once u cross $1k in sales.
Meaning, never...
Sorry to burst the bubble but BB is extremally hard to make money on, then, you have the company going bancrupt anytime soon.


  • Posts: 188
Might be a good time to this:

The All Apps Aboard BlackBerry Port-A-Thon is a 36-hour virtual event on December 14-15, 2012, designed to help you port and build your BlackBerry apps for this powerful new platform from the comfort of your own space.

Get Rewarded*
▪   You’ll receive $100 per eligible app (up to a maximum of 20 apps per participant)
▪   Be one of the first two hundred (200) participants to submit more than five (5) but less than ten (10) apps and you will also receive a BlackBerry® Dev Alpha device*
▪   Be one of the first ten (10) participants to submit 10-20 apps and you’ll get a paid trip to BlackBerry Jam Europe in Amsterdam to celebrate the launch of BlackBerry 10!

I am going to try my best to get this to work over the next two days. Will update if i suceed.


  • *
  • Posts: 6108
haxe/NME can also target Blackberry (http://www.haxenme.org/documentation/about/) So the games created with Stencyl could maybe be compiled to Blackberry as well. It could be as easy as a single command, or lead to countless issues, idk...


  • Posts: 304
Well, it surely isn't worth Jon's time! At least that's how I see it.


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  • Posts: 6108
Yes, I agree, adding another "officially supported" platform would probably take much too much time. I just meant to say if someone's interested they could try to do it by themselves, by compiling the haxe source of the project to the Blackberry target.


  • Posts: 188
I am willing to try this myself. Would need some guidance though. I am guessing we can do this via extensions???


  • *
  • Posts: 6108
Not with engine extensions (the ones that are new in 3.0). If you figure out how to do it, it might be possible to add it to the UI with a toolkit extension.

But first things first: I guess it could work if you
1) set up the haxe/nme environment variables depending on your OS. You can look here http://haxe.org/doc/build at the links Haxe on Windows/OS X/Linux (ignore everything about compiling, you just need to set up the paths)

2) go to the games-generated folder in your stencyl workspace, and run
Code: [Select]
nme test project.nmml blackberryon the project.nmml file of your game.

Maybe it's not that easy, and I'm missing some important steps here...


  • *
  • Posts: 17524
NME does support Blackberry, but I didn't want to commit to another platform for support reasons when our hands are plenty full with what we've already got. If we ever decide to support it, it won't be an extra fee - it will be part of the "mobile" and "studio" packages by default (see the FAQ).

You can't execute that command since I actually stripped the binaries out to save space.


  • Posts: 982
NME does support Blackberry, but I didn't want to commit to another platform for support reasons when our hands are plenty full with what we've already got. If we ever decide to support it, it won't be an extra fee - it will be part of the "mobile" and "studio" packages by default (see the FAQ).

You can't execute that command since I actually stripped the binaries out to save space.

I also think its a good idea to wait, there are still bugs in 3.0 there have to be sorted out, and there are many other things to make care of, instead og making BlackBerry support.
Maybe later it would be okay (it it isn't dead) ;)
Go check out my website: http://gamecow.net


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  • Posts: 6108
You can't execute that command since I actually stripped the binaries out to save space.
Okay, so I guess one would have to install haxe/NME separately and use that instead of the one that comes with Stencyl.