Question about actor and tearing


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  • Posts: 2469
On the bottom of the page, there is a "Contact Us". Try emailing Joe directly to see if he has a better idea. Perhaps a reinstall of Stencyl will help; this is beyond me. (Joe is actually affiliated with Stencyl, so he might be able to know something I don't).

Either way, God bless :)
Don't look to me but rather to the One who is the reason for what I do. :)

If you need help, send me a PM. Even if I haven't been on in the forums in ages, I still receive those messages via email notifications. You can also reply to any of my forum posts, regardless of the age (especially if I created it), and I will likely reply.

If you want to see the programming behind certain types of games, feel free to check out my "Demo-" games on StencylForge (,16160.0.html)


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  • Posts: 50
Thank's for help anyway. I don't make this topic "resolved" because we don't know, may be someone has an idea. If I can, I let it a moment, we never know.
I'm not english, so please excuse me if I make some mistakes :)


  • Posts: 38
have you found a solution for the tearing ?? i need it also for my mobile game .. it runs constant on 40 frames but it is not smooth.


  • Posts: 713
I don't know anything about tearing (what is it?), but as for the other question, I often wait to make behaviors when possible, where I make just plain events and copy/paste them into behaviors later.