Game Art Forge - Art Resources


  • Posts: 21

I'm soft launching a new website / blog early next week : -

The site is intended to provide game / media art assets at an affordable price range.  I would also like to take requests for the type of assets that you would like to see in the future.

In this interim stage, where the site is in progression, I have been looking into the best ways of offering the resources to you, the enduser, in the best possible way.  I have been lead to 2 possible ways to do this : -

( A ) Paypal - Simple paypal payment system, where the enduser pays for the content at an affordable price.  Seems more professional.
( B ) Ad - Based - All content is free, hosted on free file sharing sites, but I make money from ad-based links ( such as ) to the sites.

Given those two choices, what would you prefer ?


  • Posts: 982
A. It is good to charge for art. But there are also many thee are making thier first game and dont wanna give money for anything.
And the art will maybe be able to be downloaded free because maybe someon share your content.

B. Its always good to let art be free. Many people want free things. Like who does not like free things.
But i dont think you will get as much money in the start as you could get with A solution.

I think the B solution is best over time and i would choose B :-)
Go check out my website:


  • Posts: 21
Hi, djip123

Thanks for your feedback, I know the art will more than likely be ripped off at some point and be made available elsewhere, such as the nature of the internet is, which makes option B slightly more appealing, albeit still copyrighted to the downloader who can use the art personally or commercially, but not resell it.  Starting with A and then switching to B would only serve to anger those who have paid for it initially, so I'm still in a quandry as to the best solution.



  • Posts: 198
i think that not many people will wanna pay for the art so i think that u will origionally make more money by the paypal option but, as long as people know about ur site u will end up with more money in the longshot. People in general will want to get the art for free but they will probably ignore the ads, not that that will necessarily matter
Only the determined can even try to make a game!
If u get an answer to ur question, edit topic title to [Solved] by "modifying" ur first post on the topic
Also, if you want ur link to say something else like this one, which leads to the Stencyl Arcade, you do this:
[ url= ]hello[/ url ]


  • *
  • Posts: 6108
I wouldn't worry (too much) about people ripping your art. Not many people would do this for commercial games, since they would risk the game being taken down from any host, being denied sponsorship, etc.

How about a combination of both A and B, plus some freebees? I've seen several people offering art for sale on this forum and they offered some assets for money and others for free (it's a good way to make people come to your site) and you can still place ads on your site if you want.


  • Posts: 982
I wouldn't worry (too much) about people ripping your art. Not many people would do this for commercial games, since they would risk the game being taken down from any host, being denied sponsorship, etc.

How about a combination of both A and B, plus some freebees? I've seen several people offering art for sale on this forum and they offered some assets for money and others for free (it's a good way to make people come to your site) and you can still place ads on your site if you want.

Ahh forgot they cant use them in games ;-)
Go check out my website:


  • Posts: 21
Hi, And thanks for the feedback, everyone

I've decided to trial option B

So, I've uploaded a number of assets ( in .PNG and .Ai Formats ), which are available free via an Ad-sponsored link ( which only last 5 seconds maximum )

Hope you find the assets useful, and let me know if you have any specific requests, and I will add them to my list of 'things to do' ! :)



  • *
  • Posts: 1960
These are great graphics - excellent for re-use in many games. Thank you very much for sharing them.

On the download page, you have not specified that attribution must be given. Was that intentional?

The CCA licence you have specified, states  "
You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor..."

This means that, currently, as far as I can see, your work can be used without attribution.
Visit - the only published book for learning Stencyl.


  • Posts: 21
Hi, Innes

Yes, you are correct, no attribution needs to be given, would love to see how my artwork is used though, so I would appreciate links, but again, it's not necessary ! :)

I think the main thing for me is, to keep it free, so that I don't see the artwork being sold on by anyone else in it's current form.


EDIT : I'll update the website a little later to clarify this ! :)

« Last Edit: December 02, 2012, 11:36:24 pm by GameArtForge »


  • *
  • Posts: 1960
That's very kind of you to provide it both free, and without attribution - thanks.

I'm already using some of your graphics in a game I'm working on.

You might want to have a look at the following post, and add a link to your artwork:,17106.msg99036.html
Visit - the only published book for learning Stencyl.


  • Posts: 710
Wow! These are great. Good on you for sharing :-)


  • Posts: 982
Wow! These are great. Good on you for sharing :-)
Agree, its nice ;)
Go check out my website:


  • Posts: 21
Hi, Innes

Thanks for the advice, I've added the information as per your request, hope it helps.  Glad to see your using some of the artwork already ! :)

Zerosimms : Thanks, I appreciate that.

Djip123 : Thanks, also ! :)

You can follow on Twitter also, for updates ( although I will try to update this thread wherever possible ) : -

« Last Edit: December 03, 2012, 01:09:57 am by GameArtForge »


  • Posts: 21

New Coloured Pencil Set Now Added.


« Last Edit: December 05, 2012, 04:30:28 am by Innes »


  • Posts: 982

New Coloured Pencil Set Now Added.

Link in this post don't work :p
But thats awesome art. Nice! :)
Go check out my website: