I'm soft launching a new website / blog early next week : -
http://gameartforge.blogspot.co.uk/The site is intended to provide game / media art assets at an affordable price range. I would also like to take requests for the type of assets that you would like to see in the future.
In this interim stage, where the site is in progression, I have been looking into the best ways of offering the resources to you, the enduser, in the best possible way. I have been lead to 2 possible ways to do this : -
( A ) Paypal - Simple paypal payment system, where the enduser pays for the content at an affordable price. Seems more professional.
( B ) Ad - Based - All content is free, hosted on free file sharing sites, but I make money from ad-based links ( such as Adf.ly ) to the sites.
Given those two choices, what would you prefer ?