Hello everyone,
So I want to start making an RPG game which will be focused in a universe that is somewhat similar to "Secrets of Mana"(graphically), but this game will have a character creation screen where you can create your custom character. A free-roam feature and multiple side quests and errands that you could do besides the main quest. I want to introduce something new to it that people haven't seen much of or havent seen at all in a RPG, I mean new races(if possible),new classes, new concepts in general and merge it with some of what has already existed.
This is what i have planned so far.
Stats :1.Basic : Health, Mana, Stamina
2.Damage : Melee, Marksmanship
3.Defense : Reflexes(defend), Speed(parry&movement)
4.Magic : Fire, Earth, Water, Wind, Holy, Unholy
5.Other : Carry Weight, Lighter Feet(detection by NPCs get harder)
NOTE: If anyone has any more suggestion please do tell.
Races :
1. Humans : Ow the classic humans... they are so human that they are frigging humans... what else..
2. Elves : Ow the classic elves... well they are elves, live in trees are either good or bad... what else?
3. Werewolves : These werewolves dont turn into complete wolves on the full moon night, but rather turn into a humanoid wolf(like they should). Not everyone in the clan turns into a werewolf on full moon night, a certain ritual is to be performed for the transformation to happen.
At night they do retain a certain level of strength(depending on the visible part of moon).
4. Vampires : umm... they hide in caves, they hunt at night, they are afraid of bright lights and terrified by sun light... O_O
NOTE: I want to introduce atleast 4 more races in here, but unique ones that haven't been used too much.
About the classes I want to do a free tree node system just like in Skyrim, so everyone can customize their character to the very smallest of details. Thus I came across the Perk Trees...
Perk Trees
NOTE: All these Perk Trees have a tree node structure and once someone unlocks a perk in the specific Perk Tree they gain the benefit of that perk, simple right? I have yet to finalize all the perks for each Perk Tree so i am not mentioning any yet, once I do that planning I definitely will edit it here.
1. There you are(archer)
2. I can take a hit(defense)
3. I didn't sign up for this(parry/dodge)
4. Stay Away from me(speed)
5. ME! SMASH!(attack)
P.S. I came up with these funny names just so that they sound more fun

makes sense right?... Now you see how hard it is to finalize all the perks for these...
Some other random points:
1. The combat system would be in real-time and somewhat similar to that of "Secrets of Mana".

2. The movement from town to town would be as such,
> exit current town > enter world map > move around in world map and go to the town you want
simple right?
3. The whole game would be in 2.5D
P.S. The only monsters I have thought of so far are the commonly used ones which is why i did not find the need to mention them in detail but they are : dragons, skeletons, zombies, wild animals, etc.
SO!!! Anyone got any suggestions or ideas for me?