From my tests this should be good for everyone else or at least all new games.
@Jon On my desktop though (and possibly existing games) it seems there is an issue with the automatic conversion if the files for the scale doesn't exist? It generates an invisible image for all missing scales (even before the change).
When I import a sprite and save I don't have this issue, so maybe it's an issue with reading in the png file?
I'm referring to this code in EditableAnimation Line 365:
if(scale > 1 && !new File(Locations.getGameDirectory(G.getGame()) + url).exists())
//Make one on the spot, do not add to memory unless actor opened
String standard = folder + File.separator + getParentID() + "-" + getID() + ".png";
InputStream is = Game.getResourceAsStream(standard);
BufferedImage source = FileUtil.readImage(is);
source = ImageUtil.scale
(int) (source.getWidth() * scale),
(int) (source.getHeight() * scale),
FileUtil.writeToPNG(Locations.getGameDirectory(G.getGame()) + url, source);
Debug.error("Missing " + scale + "x size animation image. Wrote it to " + url);
if (!fullLoad)
The code for scaling and writing works everywhere else for me, so why is this one failing? Wonder if I have to update java for this desktop. Need other people to test this one for sure to see if it's just me.