Here's my publishing strategy:
1. Send out the game to a few trusted friends for beta-testing. They can find things that you miss. Also, be sure to have at least one friend who doesn't "sugar-coat" things, as well as friends with different computer powers (old vs. new, etc.). Try to get a diverse, honest feedback to work out the kinks.
2. Submit the game to FGL for primary sponsorship for bidding, either "quick bid (2 weeks)" or the normal bidding. Expect it to take some time (i.e. the full 2 weeks or, if normal, months) to get some bids, if you get any at all.
3. If you get a primary sponsorship, fulfill that first (generally a time of exclusivity) and then work on Mochi, NG, and Kongregate (if no sponsorship, don't have to wait). Also, put up the game in the Game Shop in FGL (the second location I was referring to), so publishers can bid on it for their individual sites.
4. Start work on the next game

EDIT: When the game is starting to get going, if you think it can do well, some review sites (like jayisgames) allow you to submit games for review. Positive feedback there goes a long way. Also, YT videos, etc. can help generate interest in your game, especially if picked up by someone who already has a large audience.