Ghost Song


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  • Posts: 1667
Okay, I've spent the last few weeks redesigning the main character from scratch. This is something I'd been wanting to do for a while, but had been fence sitting a bit due to the combination of the old art not being all that bad, and the fact that I knew such a task would be a lot of work.

My main complaint with the old character were that A) it was a bit dated in terms of my own art style/skills and B) I wanted to distinguish the design a little bit.

Now, I realize I can't please everyone, but the new design is something I feel better about. I realize it's still  fairly non descript, but this is part of what it takes to meet the criteria for the game's story. I've accessorized it with a cloth cape of sorts that adds some movement to the animations and makes them more interesting. It moves with the character and blows upwards as the character falls and so forth.

It's now 90% implemented into the game, with what remaining being primarily specific story related animations. The new character is animated considerably better than the old character, in my opinion, and I'm happier now with how the game looks and moves.


  • Posts: 1106
Still lookin good. :)


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  • Posts: 1667

Energy dash

Game's primary colors are purples, blues, and greens

These bug tunnels are not safe, you don't know what's going to come out of the darkness. I don't advise staying long.

My time is split between this and another obligation for a bit longer, but soon it'll be the mad dash to finish the alpha version and get some real feedback from trusted members of the community. (should they be interested in being testers, of course)

The design is crystal clear, the path is crystal clear, I know exactly what I have to do, it's just a matter of grinding the rest of it out.

« Last Edit: May 05, 2013, 02:49:38 am by twotimingpete »


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  • Posts: 462

WOW - looks amazing!!!! Love it Matt!
Main Site: Donley Time Foundation Facebook Page: Donley Time Foundation
Newgrounds Links!


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  • Posts: 1667
thanks, and there's a standing "thanks" for everyone if I'm lucky enough to get compliments. :)

Just more fun with lighting tricks. In this case, there's a mild light radius around the player, with the shadows set to overlay. This darkens dramatically the mids and lows of all the art under it and leaves highlights less affected.

The result is pretty dynamic, because things further from the light radius will be seen mainly as highlights, and if you go close, the entirety of the object is visible.

The wreckage and terrain below is mostly seen by their highlights.

Now that I'm closer, I can see things better.

Look at the same debris when I'm rather far, and it's very shadowy.

This isn't a difficult trick to pull off, ( It's basically just a black actor with a soft, alphaed hole in it) but it can be very effective and produced a really convincing, subtle lighting effect for very little work.

All the noise you see in some of these images is a static effect that is intentional. It animates and has a more interesting effect in motion than perhaps it does in stills. It is also stronger in some areas than others.

« Last Edit: May 11, 2013, 03:25:09 am by twotimingpete »


  • Posts: 3
I am really looking forward to play this game it looks absolutely fantastic  :D


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  • Posts: 1667
Thanks guys. I'm still trying to figure out how to take/edit videos with respectable quality, but I managed to make one.

Here I'll introduce the game and some of its basic gameplay mechanics. The quality of the video isn't as great as I'd like but if you set it to 480p it looks passable.


  • Posts: 1106
Ive used fraps and dxtory , both create excellent videos and video quality, but both do cost. Ive tried a few other free methods and some are ok, but dont create the same quality as the above two.

(another issue i have is the res of the video you create, and when uploaded to youtube, it can turn out a bit average depending how youtube treats/converts/uploads etc, it.)

Still looking great anyhow, look forward to giving it a play eventually!


  • Posts: 6
Very amazing style and graphycs, compliments
Soundtrack composer, ambient orchestral and 8bit listen my music and game collaboration at:


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  • Posts: 371
looks great and promising, looking forward for this.  :D


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  • Posts: 212
Looks awesome, loving the animations too.


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  • Posts: 1228
Lookin' awesome still! :) Can't wait till it's finished. The lighting effects are super nice and nifty.


  • Posts: 219
Looks outstanding! I look forward to giving it a play!


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  • Posts: 4643
Patience is a Virtue,
But Haste is my Life.
Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers; doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.