I can't tell you what a home run stencyl would be if it has more power/features while still having this amazing workflow and design mode -- which is, in my opinion, completely unmatched by other similar programs.
jon, you should consider kickstarting stencyl. what the hell. so you can add staff and get this thing to the next level.
Completely agree. I think we can all imagine Jon working his ass off 24/7 on Stencyl. In fact, I have this image of him and a few others, bleary-eyed in a dark room lit only by the glow of their monitors working away tirelessly on Stencyl code.
Stencyl is incredible and really is the reason I am here doing my game today. Seeing anyone leave the community with their project is a sad day and, like it or not, a reminder people will only be here as long as they can get something from the tools.
A couple thoughts:
First - huge congratulations to Matt. It looks like he is going to easily clear his goals and that is awesome.
Two - Is there anything we do as a community to help this Stencyl development along in the most beneficial way? There are probably a million suggestions about what would make Stencyl immediately better but I wonder if there are other ways we can realistically help development along via testing, donations, spreading the word etc. Really - I'm just spit-balling here.
Personally - there is nothing like success to make people take notice. From my experience, the more people make great games with an engine the more money, attention and developmental love happen. I know that's an obvious statement but it's so true. I love the fact we encouraging each other and share ideas. That is one of the strong points of the community. I just want this engine to be around and really be able to serve the next level of web and mobile app development.
Ah well - I think most people might feel as I do - elated about Matt's success and somewhat saddened to see him take Ghost Song out of Stencyl's hands.
All the best Matt! you deserve it man.