Adventure Cavern - Suggestions (move to game creation if applicable)


  • Posts: 1243
I have ideas for AC, yet, but I know that I will be soon out of them if I don't do something about it.

So I want to ask you what should I add to Adventure Cavern in terms of features. Story and art style is already set up and probably won't change. Also I plan to have a lot more levels that those 4 that are already in, so no suggestions like "add more levels", please. Music will also change and Adventure Island music rips won't last long.

There are no impossible things. There is only lack of skills.
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Stencyl stencyling stencylish stencylers :D


  • Posts: 110
You should put a link to your game so that people don't have to refer to you other post to find play your game.

You could try adding some powerups and attacks for the main character. Other than that I think that you shouldn't add too many features or else it'll make the game too complicated.