Hello everybody,
1) In my main menu by means of pressing one button, I create a filled rectangle and above it I want to place a button. When I try to do it, it is created beneath the rectangle rather than to be created above. I tried many ways like creating it at front, back, middle, but it was useless.
So what do you recommend and how it can be made out?
2) I have 2 buttons in my menu. If one button is pressed, for example, credits are shown. Another button is pressed, for instance, help is shown. I don't want to create scenes for these small events, so I decided to use filled rectangles above buttons for displaying these information. I have 2 global variables for buttons in behavior, one for displaying credits, another one for help. So when one of two buttons is pressed, in main menu scene can be shown help or credits info.
After that another button is created for return to main menu. When this button is pressed, I made 2 global variables False.
When it comes back to main menu in behavior, if help info is worked, I don't know why, credits info also is worked after closing help info.
When credits info is worked, everything is alright and nothing is actuated after it like it is described above.
What do you advise and how it can be solved?