How to update games on the Stencyl Arcade?

Good evening,

When I want to update a game that I've previously uploaded to the Stencyl Arcade, can I do so without deleting the previous version first?

On a side note: Before asking this question I searched for an answer in Stencylpedia as well as looking for similar posts here on the forum, but couldn't find anything, which is strange because it adresses an issue that most Stencylers should come across sooner or later.


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  • Posts: 9473
Just publish, and you'll get an option to replace your existing game.

I tried that, but it didn't work. Maybe because I saved the game under a new name in the meantime?

(I always save files followed by a prefix number counting up, like "Game01", "Game02", "Game03", and so on, to keep track of my progress as well as to be able to go back to a previous version if something goes terribly wrong. Before publishing I give it the proper name, but delete that version right afterwards to not mix up my prefix numbers.)

If that is what's causing the problem, then I have a suggestion: The option to replace an existing game should appear when the one you're publishing has the same name.


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  • Posts: 9473
There is an ID field in your game.xml that you can edit to match the ID of your uploaded game, which is shown in the URL.


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  • Posts: 2478
There is an ID field in your game.xml that you can edit to match the ID of your uploaded game, which is shown in the URL.

As a side note, I think I recall us enforcing a user ID check on that, but I don't know if it's still active.

There is an ID field in your game.xml that you can edit to match the ID of your uploaded game, which is shown in the URL.

Where can I find this file? With a Windows file search I only found the game.xml files from downloaded games, not those of my own games.


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  • Posts: 9473
It's inside your game's folder.

Yeah, but the problem was: Where is that bekakte folder?

So I changed the search parameter and looked for all the files that were modified today, and luckly this time I was able to spot it. Its here:

C:\Documents and Settings\User name\Application Data\Stencyl\stencylworks\games

It still puzzles me why those xml files didn't show up when I was searching for them by name. Anyways, problem solved, the rest was a walk in the park. Thanks for pointing me into the right direction :-)


  • Posts: 22
I've run into the same problem. I don't think I'm editing the xml file correctly though. When I change the game id to reflect the one that I originally posted it still uploads it as a new version. Opening the xml file shows that even when I save the change it reverts back to the newer game id. Can't seem to figure it out.