Does anyone know of any good text drawing behaviors on the Forge?


  • Posts: 34
I can't seem to find anything great. I might just build my own from scratch or heavily expand on one of the behaviors already out there, but I was wondering if anybody had a good dialogue/text box system out there.


  • Posts: 654
What are you trying to do?  I have a dialogue box behavior up.  I am also willing to think something up if you need something done.
PM me if you require help.  I'm always glad to help out!


  • Posts: 34
I'm making an open world isometric game. I need a dialogue system/text box system for when the player interacts with objects.

I've actually been testing out your dialogue behaviors and have been seeing how they work. It's great!
But I also need the text boxes to do things such as add items to a player inventory (...I don't even know where to start with an inventory system either...), remove tiles, etc


  • Posts: 654
So you really need more of an inventory than a dialogue box.  What kind of inventory are you looking to do?  Luyren has one up.  I haven't used it, but Luyren does good stuff.  I can throw something together for you too, if you want.  To get a character to add/remove items, look at where the dialogue code ends and add trigger event whatever in all behaviors for self.  When that happens you can then receive that call add/remove an item, and then set a global switch to disable the code from giving out items again.
PM me if you require help.  I'm always glad to help out!