100 Chambers (re-done in 3.0)


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Progress through lots of chambers filled with puzzles, brainteasers and minigames in this “Escape the Room” adventure!

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« Last Edit: May 27, 2013, 12:49:01 pm by JensWinterstein »
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Thanks for reporting your experience with 3.0. It's encouraging to hear that even with some unresolved and unfinished work, we're seeing multiple games reach Google Play and the App Store just in the past couple weeks.

It's also interesting that this game has no issues with the reference table entries that mguido's game did, despite this one having twice the actor count and many more resources overall than his.

Future Freak

  • Posts: 412
It's also interesting that this game has no issues with the reference table entries that mguido's game did, despite this one having twice the actor count and many more resources overall than his.

Grrrrr - that's exactly what I was thinking when I was reading these numbers. Still having issues on android with resources on my game :( I think I'll try and do some more testing.


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  • Posts: 432
It's also interesting that this game has no issues with the reference table entries that mguido's game did, despite this one having twice the actor count and many more resources overall than his.

The first version was converted from 2.x but didn't even start under Android due to a heap memory overflow (although it built successfully). So the decision was made to re-create everything from scratch in 3.0 to have a clean setup.

With all the existing assets it took only a few days and now it's running smooth :)

« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 02:19:51 pm by JensWinterstein »
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Awesome! How does performance compare with the previous version?


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  • Posts: 432
Awesome! How does performance compare with the previous version?

No performance/memory issues so far. Even on iPod4 it's running fine now (it used to crash nearly instantly which is why it got some bad reviews in the AppStore).

I think this is mainly because of 2 things:

1. The new atlas system which allows every scene to have its own atlas, holding just the stuff it needs in memory.
2. The reduced size of the GFX assets due to pngquant.

« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 02:27:04 pm by JensWinterstein »
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Apple approved everything in ~12 days.
Amazon took ~4 days.

Sales on Android are going smooth with already a few hundred in Google's Play Store :)

EDIT: I updated the initial post with the store links.

« Last Edit: March 26, 2013, 11:45:52 am by JensWinterstein »
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  • Posts: 600
Jens, did you do ANYTHING AT ALL differently that may have fixed the Android crash as you were rebuilding your game? I'm close to done rebuilding mine in 3.0 from scratch and just tested on my Nexus 7 and it's crashing again from the same memory overflow error. Of course, it was working not long ago, but I've added a lot of resources in the past few days.
Matt Guido (@guidolatry)

Co-Founder/Programmer at The Automatic Gentlemen.


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  • Posts: 432
Jens, did you do ANYTHING AT ALL differently that may have fixed the Android crash as you were rebuilding your game? I'm close to done rebuilding mine in 3.0 from scratch and just tested on my Nexus 7 and it's crashing again from the same memory overflow error. Of course, it was working not long ago, but I've added a lot of resources in the past few days.

There are 2 differences that come to my mind:
  • The attribute type called "game attribute" wasn't available for scenes back then (it was re-implemented recently, after some months) - so a global string was used to keep track of the current level
  • The number of overall sound effects was reduced
IIRC the heap overflow on Android happened during the upfront loading of sound files. Reducing them could be worth a try.
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  • Posts: 600
Yeah, it was the number of sounds I had labeled as sound effects, instead of removing them I changed some to music and that got it working again. So when you removed those sound effects that must've been the fix for you
Matt Guido (@guidolatry)

Co-Founder/Programmer at The Automatic Gentlemen.


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  • Posts: 432
Great that you figured it out! I hope your game is back on track now :)
In case it allays your pain a bit: The error drove me also nuts and re-creating everything (to see at which point it might break) was a desperate last option. I had no idea why it worked ::)

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Get Cubus Velox for Android / iOS or play it on Flash

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Great debugging work, folks!

I know performance/memory limits differ by the types of devices we use.

But can anyone give us a rough idea of how many pieces of music/sound effects you have in your game and roughly at what point (count of music pieces) that the game breaks (such that it necessitates switching sound effect to music). I also assume this is dependent on the length of the sound effect pieces. Just a rough number please, anyone?


  • Posts: 600
Right now my music to sound effect count is 21 to 48. Before changing them around it was 7 to 62. I'm not exactly sure where the threshold is in there, but it's obviously somewhere in between there.
Matt Guido (@guidolatry)

Co-Founder/Programmer at The Automatic Gentlemen.


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  • Posts: 432
Updated with new levels and optimized for iPhone 5.
It's also available now in the Opera App Store.
Get 100 Chambers for Android / iOS
Get Cubus Velox for Android / iOS or play it on Flash

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