Piggy Parachute


  • Posts: 128
Piggy parachute is another endless runner that sees our protagonist falling through the skies collecting bacon and pork for points but avoiding his untimely death. We made a smaller version of the game in 2.2 for IOS but remade it for android in 3.0 and its is so much better without loading screens and smoother gameplay. Give it a try  :D

Grab it here

Check out our youtube teaser.

Thanks Guys.


  • *
  • Posts: 524
In a Play Store review someone suggested that the premium version is better because it doesn't have ads. So are ads (Adwhirl, Admob) working for you?
.: BuruBuru :.


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  • Posts: 9473
I don't see the ads on my 4.0 tablet.


  • Posts: 128
Lol no never got them working but filled the game with loads of go pro ads