How'd you get your name?


  • Posts: 591
I'm really glad that my parents named me Greg -- because that's what everyone calls me at work.
Well, definitely appropriate for someone connected with konGREGate. ;)

For my nickname, it's connected with Plants vs Zombies game and is supposed to reflect my cheery personality (cheery, not cherry, mind you; I'm not someone as unstable as Cherry Bomb... I suppose).


  • Posts: 1243
I'm not exactly sure from which Darkhog came, but my other nickname I going by in RPG Maker communities, Rave has a bit silly story - this was written on my first skateboard and in that time, I didn't know what rave means. Also yet another name I use is Vear (or QVear if site requires name longer than 4 characters) which as you can see is Rave with misplaced letters.

There are no impossible things. There is only lack of skills.
Don't click this if your computer has less than 641 kilobytes of RAM.
Stencyl stencyling stencylish stencylers :D


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  • Posts: 17524
I'm really glad that my parents named me Greg -- because that's what everyone calls me at work.
Well, definitely appropriate for someone connected with konGREGate. ;)

He's not that Greg.


  • Posts: 18
 Actually, if anyone remembers an old Black Isle game called Icewind Dale (very similar to Baldur's Gate), there was an elf adventurer who you find dead in a cave early on named Erevain Blacksheaf. You steal his sword and a letter off of his body, rather rudely.
I felt that, since he wasn't going to be using it anymore, he wouldn't mind if I stole his name as well.
Be he alive or be he dead, I'll grind his bones to make my bread.


  • Posts: 3
I sometimes make fakemon, and I made one which had a (I think) cool name, and eventually it became my web moniker. The strange creature in my avatar is a dinoclor.


  • Posts: 310
Wishful Thinking.


  • Posts: 213
I started out on MUDs (Yes, I'm that old) And I loved using magic over the other classes so I chose the name 'thexmage' on one of them. After a few years, It got old so I made a new one, 60magix, my current level on the game on my last account. then I remade it into xmagicx60 on another game about 2 years ago and have used it ever since.


  • Posts: 3
 I dunno it's what I use for every webiste even though I hate it

 I came up with it when I was a newb and really liked the banana memes

  *sigh* to be a noob again *sigh*

 well I'm a noob here so


  • Posts: 1046
I was given it at birth.


  • Posts: 134
Was tired of explaining and obtaining my old internet name, so I changed it to something more real.


  • Posts: 106
z-ephili-nox, that's how.


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  • Posts: 136
A Long Time Ago I Was Signing Up For A Account And I Like Sonic And 53 Is My Fav Number So i Created sonicspeed53 Then It Just Stuck For 5 - 6 Years, Also If sonicspeed53 is taken i use sonicspeed54 or sonicspeed55 or sonicspeed56 And It Goes On And On And On!

I thought of it. Although it's quite a bother to type :|


  • *
  • Posts: 2607
A Long Time Ago I Was Signing Up For A Account And I Like Sonic And 53 Is My Fav Number So i Created sonicspeed53 Then It Just Stuck For 5 - 6 Years, Also If sonicspeed53 is taken i use sonicspeed54 or sonicspeed55 or sonicspeed56 And It Goes On And On And On!

Someone else has used sonicspeed53? What are the chances of that?