Revmob integration (done as an extension)


  • Posts: 86
I've been looking for a way to integrate Revmob ads on steancyl, but can't find a guide or explenation on how to do it. After asking a user here, we concluded that its not possible to do.

Revmob is a new ad method and it's a very good way to increase the revenue.

Will this be possible to do soon? Buying the studio version is depending on this for me.

- Ali

« Last Edit: January 21, 2014, 06:03:31 pm by Jon »


  • Posts: 86
I've been looking for a way to integrate Revmob ads on steancyl, but can't find a guide or explenation on how to do it. After asking a user here, we concluded that its not possible to do.

Revmob is a new ad method and it's a very good way to increase the revenue.

Will this be possible to do soon? Buying the studio version is depending on this for me.

- Ali


  • *
  • Posts: 9473
In 3.0 you may be able to implement it as an extension.  For iOS that requires you to know enough Haxe and Obj-C to make it work.

EDIT: Merged duplicate threads.


  • Posts: 86
aha, can you show me how to do it?


  • *
  • Posts: 9473
Jon wrote a general extension guide in the 3.0 forums, but you'll have to figure out the rest.  3.0 is currently in a subscribers-only beta.