Bombermine (WIP)


  • Posts: 219
Hey everyone!


10 April: New gameplay features. You can now harvest and mine using a bomberman, bomb dropping feature. I have chosen to go in this direction as I feel it will add a bomberman type feel to the overworld levels as well as a unique way to harvest and defeat enemies in the mine (platform) sections. New screenshots in the comments. New demo in the next day or two.

08 April:I started something new to take a small break from Sk8bit.  I wanted to do something fun and have wanted to combine over world exploration with platforming for some time now. Still not sure what direction im going or if it will be done in time for the jam (real work is keeping me busy this month). It took me a few hours to get this far, art and sound included. Let me know what you think and remember its just a demo of VERY early work!

-Play Demo Here:

« Last Edit: April 10, 2013, 08:21:07 pm by travisofarabia »


  • *
  • Posts: 9473
It's an interesting combination of top-down avoider game and sidescrolling platform game.


  • Posts: 44
Very interesting! Waiting for the final release.


  • Posts: 219
New screenshots!


  • *
  • Posts: 564
It's great I had a play and I'm liking it. This stencyljam is really generating a lot of good Stencyl games. The sound effects are REALLY good, where did you get them?
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  • Posts: 219
It's great I had a play and I'm liking it. This stencyljam is really generating a lot of good Stencyl games. The sound effects are REALLY good, where did you get them?

Thanks! I get all my sounds from this program.