

  • Posts: 115
So been working on this puzzle game for 3-4 days now. The game-play is all done. I'm aiming to release it on tablets. So it has minimal user input.

Just left and right key.


Move left or right to collect the blocks.
Press UP to use GMove(makes the blocks move without moving the paddle.)
Collecting same colored blocks will yield you more scores.


What do you think of the game? Let me know.

It has a working score system but for now it won't save your score. Click on the "Player" to change the name.

« Last Edit: April 22, 2013, 03:24:34 pm by komalrajsingh »


  • Posts: 315
Cool stuff. i like the game


  • Posts: 115
Thanks.. :) and i've updated the game.


  • Posts: 115
Uploaded a new version. The game play is now done, working on main menu and stuffs. Would love some feedback on this.


  • *
  • Posts: 564
This is a really clever, simple yet fun concept :) Great work!!! I couldn't quite grasp what i was doing initially though and ended up just collecting blues. I still dont know what colors I should have collected or why, so maybe just a 1 screen tutorial on start? Seriously though this is a cracking wee game :)
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  • Posts: 115
Thanks a bunch.. c:  . Yeah, i'm planning to add a tutorial as most people all most all don't know what to do. You can collect any colors.

Here how it works:
You collect 1 blue coin, +1 is added to the score.
You collect another blue coin, +2 is added to the score.
You collect another blue coin, +3 is added to the score.

You build the chain to get higher score but you only get 100 moves so you have to make them count. This can be done with any colored blocks. The golden block adds +20 to your score.

Once again thanks a bunch.. :)

Edit: I've added a main menu image. Please let me know what you think of it.

« Last Edit: April 13, 2013, 03:07:55 pm by komalrajsingh »


  • Posts: 271
Cool idea! I too couldn't work out how to play at first - perhaps get the player to focus on the bottom of the screen and then it becomes quite intuitive. Nice job!


  • Posts: 115
Thanks, the android version is coming up nicely.

And yes, a tutorial will deffo be added. Anyone who tested the game told me that they had difficulty figuring out what to do, so it'll deffo be added.


  • Posts: 115
Uploaded new version. Does anybody wanna review the android version? Please let me know.

Got the keyboard working.. :D


  • *
  • Posts: 649
hey i really like the concept behind this! idk how much it would be in terms of longtime motivation, but still the idea is pretty nice!


  • Posts: 115
Thanks.. :D yeah, realized 300 & 600 would be a bit too long for casual game. 100 & 200 should be fine, i guess. anyway, if you want to play for longer hour, i'm adding an infinite mode and thanks once again.. :)


  • *
  • Posts: 17524
Please provide a proper logo for this game on the Arcade, so it doesn't show up as a joystick here. Thanks.


  • Posts: 115
Done, uploaded a new version as well.