Quantum Corps (sponsored by Newgrounds)


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  • Posts: 351
Congrats on the sponsorship! It's pretty dang fun despite my sucking at it. :)
Unicycle Hero: iOS  |  Level With Me: iOS/Android  |  Hue Ball: iOS/Android  |  Lava Bird: iOS/Android   |   Disposabot   |   Twitter


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  • Posts: 17524
Congrats! Quick request - could you attach a logo to your game on the Stencyl Arcade? It's featured as a pick, but doesn't have a logo right now.


  • Posts: 163
Thanks, thought I had done that already but seems that I didnt. :) Done and done.
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  • Posts: 219
Congrats on the sponsership!


  • Posts: 71
Whoa, people are getting sponsored left and right! Good job every one!


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  • Posts: 270
Also good job with the sponsoring :D


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  • Posts: 17524
This is gonna sound a bit silly, but you ought to improve the logo you uploaded to the Stencyl Arcade. The game isn't picking up views relative to the others I've recently promoted, and I believe it's because the logo is kinda confusing/odd. The game looks beautifully retro, so I'm sure you can come up with something a bit more compelling.


  • Posts: 163
I'm glad you brought it up, I just slapped the earlier one there even though I wasn't happy with it myself. Switched it to a hopefully more clearer icon. :)
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  • Posts: 305
Just played this full version, damn, the theme and artistic vision are so good! Love that intro and the music changes as the logo comes in. That silhouette look is great! (it tints everything black that is touching it?)

Constructive Crits:
- don't care about score, provide unlockable weapons or something for it
- not much incentive to use slo-mo/not hold down shoot the whole time
- things that don't kill you are just as catching to the eye as things that do kill you, though i like the red/blue color theme
- smoother difficulty curve at the start
- controls are not intuitive at first
(could solve these last 2 by bringing in shooting/slow-mo after a level or two after getting to grips with the grav swap)

Awesome game, i'd love to see this theme return in a platformer/shooter.. congrats on sponsorship!