

  • Posts: 1106
Well, thought I would follow in others footsteps and reserve my entry thread!


Been working on this since the competition started, but I seem to have slowed down quite a bit the last week - seem to have other things to think about, but Im hopeful Ill get this entered over the next 2.5 weeks, but its worth a try anyhow.

As usual Ive maybe gone a little overboard compared to how much time was available, coupled with my usual slow down and loss of interest getting in the way.

In Blown, you play a gust of wind - with the aim of each of the 15 levels is to return the wind blown seed to its ideal sowing place - the plant pot! Game is simple, the player rotates around the seed at all times, and only requires a direction choice and a click of the mouse to blow. Avoid the terrain, water - infact, anything will have negative consequences, apart from landing in the final plantpot resting place.

If time allows (or I even get that far!) - I plan on having a couple extra game types, and other bits, but Im struggling a little at the moment, so it might not happen, or at all.

Check out the screens anyhow if your interested.


  • *
  • Posts: 564
Loving the graphic style, I hope you can get her completed in time :)
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  • Posts: 1106
Yeah shall see what happens. :)

I removed the player and seed from those shots too. Once I get the levels done, I can polish them up and move onto the rest of the game. Hopefully theres enough time for me to do the rest of that.