UPDATE: I've uploaded a major game update to Stencyl Arcade (It looks nicer and is buggy but playable.) Here's the link:
Things needing work:
FUN FACTOR: Self explanatory.
GAMEPLAY: The gameplay still needs a lot of work. I just haven't had much time to tweak and test. My list:
- The click-to-move seems clunky and slow. I may tweak or find other ways of "collecting."
- I'll soon add wood and brick resources, but I'm undecided on the mechanic of building using multiple block types.
- Wolf AI is pretty lame as is. Will tweak and improve.
- Wolf interaction with blocks is lame as is. Will tweak and improve.
- I'd like to add "bonuses" that parachute down randomly: Traps, time extensions, etc.
- Sound, of course.
- Options like sound on/off, refresh, pause, exit, etc.
ART: I really want to flesh out the ambience of the game, even though the whole game takes place in one scene. It would be nice to surround the arena with spectators, bacon vendors, billboards, guards, wolf nobility... you know, everyday life at the Hamger Games.
SOUND: I always get to this last. We'll see what happens.
@Photon, thanks for your offer to help. I was finally able to sit down tonight, and was actually preparing to send my game code to you for help, but stumbled upon the solution. It was an AS3 error that was [hopefully] resolved by disabling continuous collision. We'll see.