UPDATE** APRIL 30th pt3
Final Update! http://www.stencyl.com/game/play/18763There's only so much one man can do. I manage to throw in some audio from previous projects and some original ones. Initially, I had someone giving me a hand with the audio stuff but had cancel due to conflict. In the future she'll be taking over these place holder audio!
Here's my submission for the 2013 stencyl! I am very happy with it!
UPDATE** APRIL 30th pt2
http://www.stencyl.com/game/play/18763Here's what the
FINAL game with
NO AUDIO. I'm close to wrapping up the audio part and will have my very very last update afterwards! Apart from the audio, the game is complete!
The game is very friendly. For the sake of the jam, the upgrades are fairly easy to get to(easy to earn). But here are what the game features
-20 Waves
-4 Levels
-4 boss fights
-Plenty of other unlockables!
Here's a fun fact. Defeating special enemies or bosses will reward you with a handful of coins and will recover your health! (for those who struggle to get through the game)
New screenshots at the bottom!
http://www.stencyl.com/game/play/18763Got some update on the game. Before the jam ends I'll post up another update(Perhaps the last) Here's what's new.
-New Levels
-Ability fixes
-Better boss behaviours
-Updated menus
Note*If you choose to save or reset the game, the 'select' 'unlockables' wont be affected. I've yet to fix that up
A few things that are missing still; audio, walk cycle for the unlockable character, enemies and cutscenes. I am doing all that I can to add more to what already is a more or less complete game.
It's been a blast using stencyl and participating on this jam. I regret that I didn't announce the game sooner for it has been fun watching it grow up to what its become!
I might upload the first build sometime later today and some art.
Feedbacks are much appreciated. Good luck to all!
Hello everybody!
I am new to this forum and I am submitting the first game I've created with stencyl for the jam.
There's not much to it. All you have to do is protect your treehouse from the oncoming enemy aircraft.
To move you have to press "A" to move left and "D" to move right.
You use the mouse to point and shoot.
I will be posting up a build sometime today! For now, I'll post up some artwork I have made for the game.