Gravity Runner


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  • Posts: 2469
Technically, this game is still in "beta" mode, but it's as close as it will get to being completed in time (unless I get suggestions today which change the game).

For those of you who have played Canabalt, Fade, or similar infinite runners, have you ever wished the game wasn't so one-dimensional? What if you could run on walls... or even the ceiling? If you've ever had that desire, this game is for you 8)

To put it simply, Gravity Runner is an infinite running game where the gravity changes. It's a very simple style of a game (although the coding was challenging at times to have gravity changing at random intervals), but it does its job very well.

Of course, there are other little tweaks in the game too. For the first time in any of my games, I tried to make an interactive menu. There's also two basic patterns to randomly generate the levels (more will be added later once I get feedback and ideas (I have a third in mind already)). There are also color options, which are customizable to fit your preference (so if you want to be cheap and only use healing blocks, go for it :P).
Don't look to me but rather to the One who is the reason for what I do. :)

If you need help, send me a PM. Even if I haven't been on in the forums in ages, I still receive those messages via email notifications. You can also reply to any of my forum posts, regardless of the age (especially if I created it), and I will likely reply.

If you want to see the programming behind certain types of games, feel free to check out my "Demo-" games on StencylForge (,16160.0.html)


  • Posts: 151
Hey man, Very cool idea, especially with the different colored blocks. There were a couple things though that I came up with though.

     - The Start screen seemed a bit cluttered. Just my opinion though.

     - The jumping adds a nice difficulty but it tends to be a bit difficult to see the actual jump slider

     - This really isn't necessary, however, it is always nice to put up an alert when your actor is
          getting hurt. eg, maybe a flash of red, or something like that.

Of course, those are really just suggestions. You have a really nice game going.

Coding is Awesome.
Stencyl is Better.


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  • Posts: 2469
Thanks for trying it out Brant.

I'll be working on the start screen... in two years, I have yet to manage to make a good menu...

The jump meter is more there to remind player that they CAN hold up to jump higher. If I made it wider, it would get in the way more of the game field. I could increase the opacity then... it's a tough call. I might play around with it a bit more.

The actor does have one color notification. When it's on fire, it starts to tint to red, the amount depending on how much it is on fire. I could try to make that more prominent. I'll also look at possibly changing the HP bar colors (like making it purple when on an acid block).
Don't look to me but rather to the One who is the reason for what I do. :)

If you need help, send me a PM. Even if I haven't been on in the forums in ages, I still receive those messages via email notifications. You can also reply to any of my forum posts, regardless of the age (especially if I created it), and I will likely reply.

If you want to see the programming behind certain types of games, feel free to check out my "Demo-" games on StencylForge (,16160.0.html)


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  • Posts: 564
Good to get my hands on this after seeing it on your livestream :) My feedback is maybe to instant kill the player if they fall into the center void, rather than sitting there while you health goes down?
I still can't imagine how you coded this :)
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  • Posts: 2469
I thought of that Gruff, but that would increase the difficulty quite a bit. It doesn't take long to die below... and you CAN survive while down there. It's not easy, but I've done it, even when in the continuous hills mode (much easier to get back up in the platform version). Jumping power is 50% stronger down there to help (and if you jump and hit the side/bottom of a tile, that still allows you to jump again, letting you only be on the bottom for a split second at a time).
Don't look to me but rather to the One who is the reason for what I do. :)

If you need help, send me a PM. Even if I haven't been on in the forums in ages, I still receive those messages via email notifications. You can also reply to any of my forum posts, regardless of the age (especially if I created it), and I will likely reply.

If you want to see the programming behind certain types of games, feel free to check out my "Demo-" games on StencylForge (,16160.0.html)


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  • Posts: 2469
Updates (just before midnight :P):

Start menu is reworked to look cleaner
Scoring system saves better at the end
Player doesn't keep moving upon game over
Moved the bars to more visible locations

Thanks for the feedback :)
Don't look to me but rather to the One who is the reason for what I do. :)

If you need help, send me a PM. Even if I haven't been on in the forums in ages, I still receive those messages via email notifications. You can also reply to any of my forum posts, regardless of the age (especially if I created it), and I will likely reply.

If you want to see the programming behind certain types of games, feel free to check out my "Demo-" games on StencylForge (,16160.0.html)


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  • Posts: 2469
Gotta love time zone differences ;). It's 1 AM here, but I'm still ahead of the deadline. Thus, I finally added the third creation style that I had thought of. This one is lots of flat land... and high jumps. Enjoy! :)
Don't look to me but rather to the One who is the reason for what I do. :)

If you need help, send me a PM. Even if I haven't been on in the forums in ages, I still receive those messages via email notifications. You can also reply to any of my forum posts, regardless of the age (especially if I created it), and I will likely reply.

If you want to see the programming behind certain types of games, feel free to check out my "Demo-" games on StencylForge (,16160.0.html)


  • Posts: 2691
It is definintely an interesting concept, but if I was being honest, the gravity change feels like more of a throw-in gimmick right now than actually part of the game. Other than it disorienting you a little, it doesn't really change how the game plays. As a matter of comparison, if you'd just had it go continually right the entire time like most infinite-runners, I don't think it would change the way you play the game that much. It needs something that really incorporates the gravity change in as a foundational mechanic... that thing that makes the game truly unique, you know?
Do NOT PM me your questions, because I likely will not respond. If I have replied to your question on the forum, keep using that topic. Thanks!


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  • Posts: 2469
I'm open to suggestions for how integrate it more into the game. ;)

(Ironically, it wasn't a throw-in but rather the entire basis of the game!)
Don't look to me but rather to the One who is the reason for what I do. :)

If you need help, send me a PM. Even if I haven't been on in the forums in ages, I still receive those messages via email notifications. You can also reply to any of my forum posts, regardless of the age (especially if I created it), and I will likely reply.

If you want to see the programming behind certain types of games, feel free to check out my "Demo-" games on StencylForge (,16160.0.html)


  • Posts: 2691
(Ironically, it wasn't a throw-in but rather the entire basis of the game!)
I know. That's why I think it needs some refinement!

Maybe you could just have it keep going right indefinitely and switch gravity anyway. Then, the climate really changes: gravity to the right means you have to drop away from the back of the screen; gravity to the left means you have to leap away instead; up and down gravity would just be your normal run-and-jump. It might involve changing the layout of the tiles, but at any rate that's the idea that popped into my head.
Do NOT PM me your questions, because I likely will not respond. If I have replied to your question on the forum, keep using that topic. Thanks!


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  • Posts: 2469
It took me a few moments to figure out what you meant, but that's a good idea :). It'd be an entirely different game then though (perhaps Gravity Runner 2 :P).
Don't look to me but rather to the One who is the reason for what I do. :)

If you need help, send me a PM. Even if I haven't been on in the forums in ages, I still receive those messages via email notifications. You can also reply to any of my forum posts, regardless of the age (especially if I created it), and I will likely reply.

If you want to see the programming behind certain types of games, feel free to check out my "Demo-" games on StencylForge (,16160.0.html)