thanks mate , i really appreciate your review .
in my next games i will make sure that the game is made for a player not for myself ( i wanted the game to be hard at the first place ) unfortunately the results were that i ended up with me alone getting A+s in the levels
and yea i care a lot about how the game is presented , but i care even more about how the game is played , honestly i made a big mistake , about the difficulty and the controls .
actually this game wasn't a jam game , i made a small prototype of the game to teach my friends at school how to make games with stencyl . the thing is they liked the prototype and they told me that the game could be really enjoyable so i started developing the game for the jam only 2 weeks before the jam's deadline so i didn't have enough time for adjusting .
anyway , i won stencyl studio in another competition

and i'm going to release a fixed version of pixel up for the android please if you could tell me what really bothered you with the controls i will be more than just thankful

also i have played pixel ninja , you sir impressed me

keep up the good work .