
I really like it frozen. Happened after selected "Job changer"
About the control, it's very difficult :O optimal you only needed to use the mouse. Like select one wall piece when an “x” appear so you can delete it. Or moving the camera with your mouse. Idk how to make something like that. But I have played stencyl game with that function. Same goes for select unit. Where you could drag a rectangle over your unit to select them. For following person, you could have a follow button like build etc, witch say follow and then if you press that, next person you select will be the “follow target” etc. I did follow the tutorial. It was a lot of text so it is possible that ppl give up because of that. Something should happened to the control to make it a bit easier.

Then you could make a guide with less text.
Also it was some problems with the zombies. They did try to attack my survivors inside a house a made. They didn’t try to attack the wall, just stood there.
Really looking forward to this project. I will keep an eye with it

Best of luck!

- Tobben