Buy the Book!


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Our very own Innes Borkwood recently completed his work on a textbook entitled Learning Stencyl 3.x Game Development: Beginner's Guide.

Available in both hardcopy and electronic formats (and beginning with a foreword written by Jon), the book provides clear, simple instructions that guide readers through the full game creation process -- from planning and iterating through their first game all the way up to publishing and seeking paid sponsorships.

Having served as a technical reviewer for the book, I can confidently say that Innes's book is a great companion guide to Stencylpedia for anyone looking to get started with Stencyl, particularly those who enjoy a little more structure during the initial learning experience. It's also a great resource for any educators looking to introduce game creation to their students.

I encourage you to check the book out and to let us and Innes know what you think!

« Last Edit: May 25, 2013, 11:32:17 am by Joe »