Poker simulator


  • Posts: 10
Meh, seems alright. The game itself isn't inherently bad its just there is thousands of other games just like that. It makes it a rather dry subject. But all of that aside you did a pretty good job


  • Posts: 1795
  Not bad...the only problems I had with it are the sound when you're turning your cards seems to come out too late, the fact that you can't press the same button twice without moving the mouse first (I have to move the mouse from the DEAL button for the click to register, and if you're in a hurry that's annoying), and most important the lack of Keyboard only play mode (poker machines had their charm and using a mouse isn't helpfull in recreating the fast paced game style that was achieved on the slot machines).
Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers! Doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.