King of Dragons for SNES.
It's the most well balanced game that I know and extremely fun, especially for a game that only has a few moves you can use (attack, jump, and block). <I like to set block to manual, fun to block then counterattack.> Plus it's fun to play 2 player on and it stands the test of time.
Some other games I enjoy/enjoyed
Uncharted Waters: New Horizons
Sid Meijers Pirates
Ninja Gaiden
Heroes of Might and Magic I and II
Diablo II
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3
Call of Duty Black Ops/MW3
Dragon: the Bruce Lee story
Warcraft I and II (No, not WoW)
Mortal Kombats
Street Fighter II Turbo
Ultima IV
Super Mario World/Kart
Legend of Zelda
Rock n' Roll Racing
And a nearly infinite list I can't think of at the moment ....