A teacher I know has given me a gaming challenge and wants me to create a game which will teach her students good study habits and test taking skills while entertaining them at the same time.
I am in the very early stages of development and already I am concerned about keeping the interest level high while somehow managing to work in good studying habits which don't really lend themselves to graphics well.
The concept I am beginning to developing is sort of an old school Goonies style game. Which combines action, quests, and maybe throws in some puzzles.
Instead of saving their fellow Goonies the player will have to rescue fellow students from their own bad studying habits. Potential quests given to the player might involve retrieving books, or study material, gathering equipment needed for a test. Potential dangers the player will have to avoid could include tv, pits of disorganized papers, caffeine, zombie students who were up too late studying.
As I said the concept is really in the beginning stages but I would really like some feedback. Will this be interesting enough for college level students? Any ideas or suggestions would be very helpful.