So let me start by saying "sorry." I started a thread about this before but I was
very wrong about how much free time I would have and by the time I got back to the thread today I had a little pink warning about how old it was with only 1 reply; that thread is dead, and for good reason. It was a terrible, lengthy description with no assisting imagery whatsoever. Still no images but I'll try to explain it more concisely this time

As the Locksmith cracking the safe you play from a top-down view of the bank floor and position various types of thugs that act like your towers, towers that can move. Starting with whoever is in the bank when you begin the job, customers will accumulate by entering through the front door throughout the robbery. Almost every customer has a different quirk and you can't move the customers directly so you must use your thugs to escort the customers around and position them in different combinations around the bank floor to prevent certain types from being placed with too many, or others with too few. Another type requires you to leave one of your thugs watching over them at all times while another is just neutral and used for combos with the rest but also, more importantly, to make you use your time and floor space carefully. You have to keep customers in the right combinations and positions to keep the cops from being alerted long enough for you to crack the safe, put all the money in bags and run back to your getaway car.
You can hire more thugs at any time to help you but more guys also means splitting the money more ways and a smaller score for you. Which is why you can also kill any of your thugs at any time... but then they don't earn experience to unlock better abilities you'll need on the harder banks. The bigger banks also require more advanced types of thugs to handle bank security systems in addition to the customers.
There's more intricacies to the various systems we totally can get into, but hopefully I've given a much clearer,
shorter idea of the game's basic premise than my last attempt.
Now I just need to actually make the effin' thing!