Android Screen Sizes Clarification ?


  • Posts: 21

I'm reading the blog 'One Size Fits All' post, where it talks about Android screen size differences, but I'm slightly confused as the article progresses, I'll post some of the information here, and then ask my question thereafter : -

Our Universal App support makes an assumption that 480 x 320 is the “base” resolution that all games are designed at. This coincides with the base resolution for the original iPhone or a 1st generation Android device.


Using high-resolution graphics designed at “4x” the base resolution, we’re able to derive graphics sets that work optimally on most devices using scales of 1x/1.5x/2x/4x.

so, my question is, in the first instance it states 480x320 is the base resolution, i.e. the smallest resolution supported, so I get that part, but in the secondary part I've quoted, it mentions using "4x" the resolution ( 1920 x 1280 ) so that it best fits all devices, am I correct in this, so I should ideally design my game at 1920x1280, and Stencyl will automatically 'resize' the games based on this ?  And do I need to have a flag set or filename addition for this to happen ?

I was initially confused, as it said "4x", and then we scale, making it sound like it scaled up again thereafter... ?

Hope someone can help clarify this for me.



  • *
  • Posts: 9473
You import graphics at 4x but design at 1x.  Stencyl then chooses a scale based on the size of the device and uses the larger graphics for those scales.


  • Posts: 21
Thanks, finally figured this out correctly.  :P

« Last Edit: June 28, 2013, 02:33:48 pm by GameArtForge »


  • Posts: 121
You import graphics at 4x but design at 1x.  Stencyl then chooses a scale based on the size of the device and uses the larger graphics for those scales.

Don't get it clearly. I'm noob at english. :P
abcdefghijklmnoyqrstuv-WXP&Z ;D


  • *
  • Posts: 9473
When you look at your scenes, you're seeing the images at 1x scale.  If you want some tiles to be 32x32 at that scale, then you design those tiles at 128x128 and import at 4x.  If an actor is 20x40 in your scene, design that actor at 80x160 and import at 4x.

This is specifically for 3.0.