I could resolve my problem on page 114, but I got very interesting results that I think is important to share.
To avoid the error 1009 I modify your code see attach "New Collide to Collectible.png". I decided to print some message to undestand how "When self hits..." works.
The attached file "output.png" show the console log, a pinnaple was on the same position of the monkey. As you can see on the log, the message "touch the fruit" appear many time, which means "When self hits..." executes not only 1 time, it execute while monkey and fruit intersects. The interesting part is "touch the fruit" appears after "fruit is killed", is a very weird behaviour, how collision was detected if the object is inactive?. It weird, but this unsync generate the error 1009 in my previous post. Maybe because my computer has multi-thread (quadcore CPU)?, I have a very powerful pc, this unsync is very weird to me. What do you think?
I like to program, this kind of issues are very interesting to me.