Reference for Stencyl 2.2 Users


  • Posts: 85

I could resolve my problem on page 114, but I got very interesting results that I think is important to share.

To avoid the error 1009 I modify your code see attach "New Collide to Collectible.png". I decided to print some message to undestand how "When self hits..." works.

The attached file "output.png" show the console log, a pinnaple was on the same position of the monkey. As you can see on the log, the message "touch the fruit" appear many time, which means "When self hits..." executes not only 1 time, it execute while monkey and fruit intersects. The interesting part is "touch the fruit" appears after "fruit is killed", is a very weird behaviour, how collision was detected if the object is inactive?. It weird, but this unsync generate the error 1009 in my previous post. Maybe because my computer has multi-thread (quadcore CPU)?, I have a very powerful pc, this unsync is very weird to me. What do you think?

I like to program, this kind of issues are very interesting to me.




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  • Posts: 1960
Thanks for buying the book, and for getting in touch regarding the problem you have experienced.

Please can you attach your game file so I can see if I can replicate the problem exactly.

The best way to do this is to export the game so you have a .stencyl file, which you can then attach to your message in the forum.

I should be able to have a look at the problem tomorrow, otherwise, it will be sometime next week.
Visit - the only published book for learning Stencyl.


  • Posts: 85

I'm so sorry, I continue with your book and overwrite that version.

I'm in chapter 7, the file "Stencyl Book Success Banner" isn't on StencylForge

I'm attaching my game version, because from the beginning of my version my monkey animates very fast even when its frames is on 100ms and jump doesnt works properly, if you press right and jump  the monkey jump sometimes yes, sometimes no. I thought this behaviour was normal until I tried one of the download file from packt, your monkey animate correctly and jump very smoothly. I spent almost one hour comparing your files with mines, but I can't fix it.

Innes your book is very engaging I'm in chapter 7 in just 4 days !, a reading record to me.


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  • Posts: 1960
Thanks for the feedback; I'm pleased to hear that you are enjoying the book.

I've just checked StencylForge (using Stencyl 2.2) and when I search for the Success Banner, I can't see it either. However, when I tried to upload a new copy, it says that it already exists!

Clearly, there's something strange going on. I'll ask on the forums, to see if anyone else experiences the same problem.

In the meantime, I have attached the Success Banner to this post. When you download it, you'll have a png file that you can import into your game using File | Import Resource.

I'll try to to have a look at your game over the next few days, but I have a lot of commitments at the moment, so I apoligise in advance for not being able to respond more quickly.
Visit - the only published book for learning Stencyl.


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  • Posts: 17524
I did a search on the actual  database and located a resource called "Stencyl Book Success"

There isn't any resource called Success Banner, but it may flag it as "already existing" because the original resource has a flag that StencylForge uses to determine whether it's something that was previously uploaded (and hence will update it). That may explain what you are seeing.

If this helps at  all, what I can do is whip up a quick page that links to all of the resources in the book if you can furnish me a ZIP with all of them as well as the names and any info for each (such as what chapter they fall under). This is assuming it's relatively few resources (less than 100?). I can then present it similarly to how I presented the Game Jam entries, organized by chapter.


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  • Posts: 1960
Thanks Jon. I think it probably was called "Stencyl Book Success"; not certain now as its late here, so I'll have to recheck. Actually, looking at the file attached to my earlier post, it definitely is!

It would be great if you could present the resources as suggested, thanks. There are probably only a couple of dozen, so not many.

One of the problems I had was managing resources on both 2.2 and 3.0 because they use different versions of the Forge. However, with the impending (?) public release of 3.0, that's pretty-much a non-issue now.

It's a very busy time for me at the moment (and I know it is for you too), so realistically, it will be after Christmas when I can get the resources together for you.

Thanks for the offer.
Visit - the only published book for learning Stencyl.


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  • Posts: 17524
No worries and all the better if we can do it in the new year.


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  • Posts: 1960
No worries and all the better if we can do it in the new year.

Thanks Jon
Visit - the only published book for learning Stencyl.


  • Posts: 2
This is an old thread, but still very useful. Thank you!!!!