Look around scene


  • *
  • Posts: 2416

I'd like my user to be able to look around the scene at any point, to see what route to take through the platforms. I've tried basic things like 'if V is pressed move camera to x of mouse and y of mouse but with no response. I've also tried disabling camera follows actor.

Is there a way to make this function possible?



  • *
  • Posts: 9473
Setting the camera's position, unlike actors, is based on the center of the camera.  Mouse X/Y is also relative to the screen.  Try setting it to the mouse position plus camera position plus half of the screen width/height.

Stencyl Ninja

  • Posts: 245
Set camera to follow an actor, then set that actor to follow your main character actor while
value is 1 and have the actor follow the mouse if value is 0.

If value 1 and key was pressed set value to 0 and if value 0 and key was pressed set value to 1.
Something along those lines.

I have yet to mess around with the mouse much in Stencyl but I think there's something
you have to do first to get it to work right; like an extra positional thing, but I've forgotten
what it was, so keep that in mind too.