Okay, so we have to download the extensions and install manually?
Any feedback on this latest preview? Does the design mode feel faster for larger behaviors?
Jon, I love it Design mode DOES feel faster. I don't know why, I see no differences, but everything seems to work better. The only problem is that I cannot find the yellow attatcher thingy that says "when this collides with something else".
Perhaps this has already been asked, but will the final release of 1.1 have mochi ads implemented? If not ,when can we expect it?
Thank you Epic! However, I don't have mochi ads implemented in my games since I never even knew that was possible! I read a thread on the forums and I think it talked about adding the Mochi API in 1.1, is that gonna happen? If I did have some ads in-game, or a sponsorship, I wouldn't mind my game being stolen.
We are working on Mochi implementation. It will be available in the free version because it is Flash. As to when it will be available, most likely in 1.2 as there are more pressing issues to be worked on. iStencyl will have its own ad system in place.